- We recommend using a shipping carrier like USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail . We have used this service for 20 plus years with minimal issues. The SMALL FLAT RATE BOX includes a free box (at the post office), tracking updates and $50 insurance. Additional insurance is available at the Post Office. This box will hold about 1-6 watches depending on sizes. Most packages arrive in 2-3 days for out of state shipments and many times in 1 day for closer locations. It does vary.
- Your watches should be wrapped in bubble wrap or something similar. Also, put some extra material in the box so the watches don’t slide around.
- We do a full inspection of your watches but if there are things that you would like to make us aware of you can do so on the Packing Slip that we email to you after you complete the Mail-in form.
- Please do not send gift boxes or manuals as we can’t guarantee they will be returned.
- Before you mail your box check the addresses on your shipping label to be correct.
- After you complete the Mail-in form, we will send you Job Info and Shipping info emails which will include your reference Job Number, Packing Slip and Shipping Label.
Our Mailing Address:
Jack’s WR
1314 West McDermott Drive – STE 106
Allen, Texas 75013
**Jack’s Watch Repair is a independent repair shop and is not affiliated with any trademarks, brands or logos displayed on this site.